Happy Holiday's From L'Arche Fredericton!
A Message from Mary Mersereau - Q4 Presidents Report
As the year draws to a close, it’s a time for reflection of all the good things that have happened in 2022. We have had growth in core membership, volunteers, and interested persons for the Newsletter.
I want to acknowledge the sponsors and supporters of the Fundraiser Dinner; Greener Village, Mike’s Bakery, Peter’s Market, Service Master, Coburn Farms, McMath Law, CBC Radio, and the many patrons who purchased the dinner to share with family and friends.
We are grateful for your support. I wish you the blessings of peace, love and joy during this holiday season.
Meet Sandra!
Sandra is an example of living life to the fullest in the community of her choice. At L’Arche Fredericton we are honoured to have her a part of Friendly Freddy Fridays. She is full of ideas and energy, has a great sense of humour and is a force to be reckoned with at Charades and as Queen of the Dance Floor.
Welcome Fiona Williams - Vice Regional Leader for L’Arche in Atlantic Canada
Many of you will know Fiona through her role as the Coordinator of L’Arche Canada’s Inclusive
Housing Solutions Lab, where her skilled facilitation and extensive connections throughout the province of New Brunswick helped bring many of the goals of the lab to fruition.
Fiona is a social worker by training, with a volunteer and work history in community development and housing, including ten years as Executive Director in the not-for-profit field. She is passionate about relationships, and thrives in an environment where problem solving, innovation, and collaboration are at the forefront.
We know she will be an excellent fit for L'Arche!
Thank you for your support during our Annual
Fundraising Dinner!
Our annual fall fundraiser - a take home dinner for two - happened on November 5. Many of the Board, their spouses and some core members worked together with Chef Yves to prepare a delicious lasagna meal with garlic bread, Caesar salad, Seb’s secret cookies and Coburn’s fresh Apple Cider. This was an opportunity to socialize in person having had our meetings virtually since April 2020. Special thanks to Leah Fancey for all her hard work and for choosing L’Arche for her community project.
What's Cooking?
Learning on Location grew to a dozen attendees for the cooking skills class in the Learning Kitchen at Greener Village. Friendly Freddy Fridays have about eight regular attendees.
The cooking class is hosting a Valentine's themed dinner for family and friends on February 11, 2023, at 5:00PM.
- L’Arche Fredericton joined L’Arche Saint John at the Atlantic Arts Symposium in Saint John for a collaborative Spirit Project workshop on October 21. “Togetherness” an Art Show by Creative Connections opens on December 9, 2022 and runs until January 2023, at Old Government House Second Floor Art Gallery. Collaborative art pieces from the Spirit Project are on display together with Creative Connections artists.
For more information on events
or to view our monthly calendar,
check out our website here
- L’Arche Saint John and L’Arche Fredericton will decorate the Christmas tree at the Lieutenant Governor’s House on Friday December 9, 2022
- The Hickey family offer an All Abilities Mindfulness and Yoga session once an month and the Alltones, All Abilities singing group is held on the second Saturday of the month from 2:00 pm–4:00pm at the Ville. These sessions are attended by a small group of devotees, one member got his own yoga mat.
We depend on the generosity of supporters like you to fund our learning-on-location activities. Will you donate to L'Arche Fredericton today?