We are a community rooted in faith.
We have a deep trust in God's guiding hand and the call of Jesus for our community. We are committed to personal and community prayer.
We will seek to discern God's call for our community.
We will express our love of God through loving and caring for others.
We are a community committed to the establishment of a home. We will fundraise towards this goal.
We will seek to identify the needs of people living with disabilities and their families in our local area.
We will develop partnerships with governemnt and non-governement agencies.
We are a community embracing the spirit of L'Arche.
We will deepen and share our understanding of the mission and values of L'Arche.
We will honour, respect and celebrate the unique dignity of each individual.
We will be a sign of hope by providing more than services - an alternative way of life and living, offering a humble witness to clebration, kindness and strength in weakness.